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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 28, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PST

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kissed his ring. among them were san francisco archbishop salvatore corleone. his his retirement is official, he'll fly by helicopter to the summer home castle gandalfo. he's scheduled to appear on the balcony at 11:30 a.m. pacific time. in retirement, he'll be referred to as pope emeritus and will have no official duties. he'll live at the castle for several months and then move into a convent at the vatican. he will continue to wear white but he will not be allowed to wear those pontiff red shoes. benedict has pledged his unconditional reverence and obedience to his successor, and the cardinals will meet again on monday, march 4th, to continue the process of choosing that successor. and we'll have much more on this in a live -- with a live report from rome at 6:50 this morning. for now, live in san jose, i'm arturo santiagsantiago.
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a solemn day in santa cruz as the police officer mourns two of their own killed in the line of duty. this morning flags statewide are flying at half-staff by order of the governor to honor the two fallen officers, sergeant lauren baker, father of three and detective elizabeth butler, mother of two. today a memorial continues to grow outside of the santa cruz police department where many officers will return to work today after taking a day off to grieve. ♪ amazing grace a highly emotional time for the officers who must now try to get back into work as usual while grieving the deaths of their colleagues and friends. today in the bay's bob riddell live at santa cruz police headquarters where that memorial for the officers is now being planned. bob. >> reporter: good morning to you, terry. yes, if there was a measure of the outpouring of love and support from the community, you can see it in the number of flowers and candles that continue to crowd the entrance
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here to santa cruz police headquarters. today pd will be going back on the streets, resuming their normal duties. they had a little break after what happened tuesday afternoon with the santa cruz county sheriff's office covering their patrols and answering calls on their behalf. last night the community joined the department in a vigil to mourn the losses of officers elizabeth butler and warren baker. some took time to write letters of support for the families. new details about the suspect. just after he shot and killed the two officers, he texted his twin brother, "i'm in big trouble, i love you." law enforcement cornered him a short time later. as you can hear in this exclusive cell phone video, they fired many rounds at him, hitting and killing him. we have since heard from his father who describes his son as having been a ticking time bomb. we've heard from another man who had a run-in with goulet years back. in 2007, danny thomas fought him after catching him videotaping his girl in the shower at their home in portland. when goulet was acquitted,
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thomas ended up moving to vancouver out of fear goulet would retaliate against him. >> he's the type of guy who could come back. it's always been in the back of my mind that he could hurt my family or go out of his way to find me. >> reporter: goulet had sworn he'd never go back to jail when the officers visited his home tuesday afternoon because he had been breaking into a woman's house. he shot and killed sergeant baker and detective butler on his doorstep. both were veterans of this police force who leave behind families. we could find out as soon as today when memorials are planned. there is a news conference scheduled right here on the steps of police headquarters in santa cruz for 11:30 this morning. reporting live in santa cruz, bob riddell. it is also a difficult time for the santa cruz fire department after one of its engines was hit by bullets during the shootout. >> there's two patients, victims of gunshot wounds, and stage in the area, scene's not secure. >> that's what firefighters
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heard on the radio as they responded. 10 to 15 minutes later, the firefighters were caught in the cross fire. firefighters hit the deck behind their truck as bullets flew. one of the firefighters tackles a woman to the ground just to shield her. >> he did this heroic act, did it selflessly to protect them. that's what we're here for. >> in all, four bullets hit the fire truck. and you can see them right here. but none of the firefighters or bystanders are hurt. to learn more about the fallen officers including information on how to help their families, go to our website, click on the story in the middle of the home page. a follow-up to a story we first brought you yesterday. right now at least six hom are yellow tagged and a dozen cars and 23 homes are damaged. after a flood caused a sinkhole in a san francisco street. the city's public utilities commission says a 61-year-old pipe broke yesterday morning.
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the city still industrying to figure out why the pipe burst. "today in the bay's" christie smith is gathering the information. she'll have a live report coming up at 6:30. well, as they continue to clean up, at least there's nice weather out there. got to look on the bright side. >> good cleaning weather. >> anyone who works outdoors is definitely enjoying this warm-up. it's still wintertime. we're still about 21 days out from the official start of spring. we're starting out nice and clear and nice and mild this morning. this, of course, san jose, show you the clear sky overhead. the sun starting to make an appearance. it will be up in about 40 minutes. and we are going to get some great looking sunrise shots. so if you don't have anywhere to go, just stay where you are. we'll show them to you. 43 degrees in livermore. 49 in oakland and 45 in san mateo. if you do have somewhere to go, mike's her to help you out. as we head throughout the day, temperatures will be really comfortable. i just want to point out in the east bay, this is the mildest
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start in almost two weeks with temperatures in the 40s. no 30s to report here. as we head throughout the day, you can hit the beach comfortably. half moon bay, 64 degrees at 2:00 p.m., 66. at 4:00, the warmth. warmest time of the day is about 3:30, 4:00. get it while you can because things will change significantly as we head through next week. 72 inland. right around 70. 69 degrees at the coast. changes just ahead. but you can still hit tahoe, choice conditions. a live report next. 6:08 first, as promised, he's standing by. he knows what could slow you down. >> this guy. slow. once he gets through the toll plaza, you still have metering lights. a typical build at the oakland side. no big deals for the east shore freeway. we will look at the incline. and we do see the heavy volume. that's why they turn those metering lights on, to keep this volume on the bridge moving smoothly through the "s" curve toward treasure island. on the other side of that shot, you see the traffic getting into
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san francisco without delay. lower deck is just fine as well. the maps will show you the area. and we're looking at a smooth flow, ashby avenue, the yellow streak below that megaphone shouting out, watch for traffic on surface streets. over to haas pavilion, go bears. south 680. still very slow as the fire crews still blocking your fast lane. just south of that exit. the earlier crash, there might be minor injuries. it's taking a while to clear this incident. we do see also 780 heading west over toward i-80. the carquinez bridge. just stick it out. head across the benicia bridge. a live look outside and look at fremont. south 680 picks up volume. these folks headed to the south bay where i'll show you in the next report. time right now, 6:09. coming up, shattered stereotypes.
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how a from feraternity is helpi for gender change. a woman from an ad passs away. what we're learning about the circumstances surrounding the anti-smoking advocate's death. powerful ad. plus we'll look at cell phone usage. is it unmanly? ahead in news. >> that cracks me up, that story right there. also, could the giants' ace pitcher catch a break in court? how tim lincecum's lawyers are going to bat against allegations of bad behavior. a live look at the bay bridge. that's just a great shot, illuminated, lit up, on this thursday. traffic moving just fine across the bay bridge once you make it onto the span. we're checking the commute with mike. it's 6:10. stay with us.
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welcome back. giving you a live look at st.
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joseph's basilica in downtown san jose. that's very artistic, meaningful shot because today is the final day for pope benedict xvi. he officially steps down in one hour and about 45 minutes from now. we are keeping our eye on that in vatican city at 6:13. >> the woman at the center of one of the most shocking anti-smoking campaigns of all time has died. >> this may be my last chance to warn you about the dangers from smoking. >> debbie austin's family tells us she died of cancer on friday at a hospital in southern california. austin first appeared on tv back in 1996 smoking a cigarette through a hole in her throat. austin started smoking at age 13. she never quit. her larynx was removed when she was 42 to allow her to breathe. debbie austin was 62 years of age. a college fraternity in boston has raised thousands of dollars to pay for a new pledge's gender transition surgery. this is youtube video of that
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pledge, thanking his fraternity brothers. the members of the fraternity at emerson college say their initial goal was $480, but so far they have raised $17,000. the fraternity started raising the money last year after the pledge's insurance refused to cover his breast-removal surgery. the pledge says he'll schedule the surgery this week. 6:14 right now. time for a quick check of the day's top stories. pope benedict xvi officially steps down at 8:00 this morning our time. the pontiff met personally with the cardinals just a few hours ago. the pope has said he's resigning for health reasons. we are just one day away from congress's deadline to avoid $85 billion in automatic spending cuts, and there's no sign of a compromise in sight. president obama is planning to meet with both sides on friday, the day the cuts are supposed to take effect. boeing says it has a permanent fix to get its troubled 787 dreamliner back in the sky. the airline plans to rewire the
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batteries to prevent potential short circuiting from spreading to other battery cells. all 50 of the planes have been grounded since mid-january. business in tech. new evidence this morning that chinese military is behind attacks on american companies and their computers. >> scott mcgrew, this time amateur internet detectives were able to uncover the clues? >> yeah, good morning. this comes after the big professional security company mandint made the first connection between hack attacks and red army units, one called 61398. mandiant gave the company enough information that internet users were able to take it further, tracking down individual soldiers connecting their online personas with actual school records and resumes. "the new york times" says one soldier used the same phone number to register an e-mail to hack as he did to advertise an apartment for rent in shanghai. some soldiers reportedly used
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their unit number as their passwords. meantime, china's defense ministry this morning accusing the united states of hacking its computers. it was not very specific about the accusation. it is notable, however, because it's really the first time the government itself has made that specific allegation against the u.s. meanwhile, rachel over at "the new york times" just reported the pope's final actions will include, as he steps down at 8:00 a.m. our time, he will issue one last tweet to his account, pontfx which is amazing. we saw video just a short time ago of the google glasses down at the ted conference. they were showing them off. google has this morning closed its offer to get you a google glass. remember, you could tweet and say hey, this is the reason. also, you had to pay $1,500. we'll get them a gadget just as soon as we can. >> nice. scott mcgrew has those connections. that's the way he rolls.
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>> we try. >> i'm waiting for the knock-offs. we're basking in sunshine down here in the bay area and up in the sierra, looking good for skiers? >> yeah. >> a little too warm, maybe? >> no, looking good because they're making that snow. you know what? it's one of those california weekends where you could hit the beach, you could hit the slopes and it's going to be beautiful. good morning to you. terry, marla, good morning to you at home. let's start with the good news, the toyota snow report. brian hager joins us with a look at the conditions on the slopes. brian, you guys are still packing quite a bit of that powder up this, huh? >> that's right. things are still looking good up here. we're excited for that wonderful california weekend under the sun and getting that goggle tan going. >> oh, yeah. you look good in it, barian. more rain and snow on the way next week. we'll hold on to these conditions a little longer. you're not doing bad in terms of
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your know pack. for this weekend, do you have anything special planned for visitors? >> we do. we have the bonsai tour which is a head-on four-person race down the mountain, pretty extreme. oakley kicks off with snowfest, fireworks, you name it. there's a lot going on this weekend. >> i think i need to change my plans. thank you for that, brian. let's go ahead and check the conditions out there right now. bonsai. 49 degrees for today. temperatures will be nice and comfortable up there as you race down the slopes. it's still really nice out there. they've got 96 inches at the bay. so that's pretty good. especially when you consider we are about 21 days away from spring now. but with that next system on the way for next week, hopefully we'll be able to keep the ski resorts open all the way through. maybe may. thursday into friday, temperatures staying nice and comfortable. alpine, 85 inches there at the bay. here in the bay area, if you want to stay local, you're going to be able to hit the beaches with some really comfortable weather as well. so we're really getting spoiled here in california. as you can see, good air
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quality. that's the good news. take a look at offshore flow, our air quality suffers. we're not sparing the air. it's crystal clear out there. and once that sun comes up in 20 minutes, we'll start to show you some of those beautiful shots as they come in. 46 degrees in concord. hour-by-hour detail for today. we're starting out nice and mild. that means by noon, we'll easily, easily be able to climb into the mid to upper 60s. we're talking 67, just three degrees away from 70 at lunchtime. antioch, three additional warming hours to go. that means we'll see mid-70s in places like gilroy. 76 for you there. 69 in santa cruz. really comfortable conditions. if you can get all the way down south to carmel, closer to 80 degrees. just spectacular along the central coast. saturday into sunday, temperatures really start to change. so if you want outdoor plans, make them for saturday. sunday, the fog and the drizzle, cloud cover returns. 65. we'll shave ten degrees off your highs. then monday into tuesday, the pattern changes. we told you, the snow is on the
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way to tahoe, rain on the way to the bay area. tuesday, wednesday and thursday, temperatures drop off. we'll bring you subtropical moisture. that means we could be talking inches of rain before all is said and done. and we'll take it as we start to get concerned about our winter -- our summer supply, our water supply. so that's what we're talking about. give you an update on the beaches coming up. right now let's check your drive with mike. >> looking at the supply of traffic over the water. bay bridge, you know, we're holding pretty steady coming off the 880 overcrossing and just slowing by the time you get toward that overcrossing coming off the bay. just the end of the parking lot. a slower, more gradual build typical for thursday. the east shore freeway, let's look at the volume there. because that's an indicator of what the bay bridge is going to be like for the next few minutes. west 80 coming down. looks really packed. by the time you get close, you see all the good spacing. speeds in the 50s and toward the toll plaza. an issue coming into the east bay out of the north bay. the map shows you we do still have slowing south 680
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approaching lake herman road. the earlier crash had things really gummed up because a fire crew arrived on scene. minor injuries reported just south of lake herman road. we've seen this change from red to orange. so that does indicate they might be clearing that lane, and there may be recovery going on. still expect the slowing heading down toward the benicia bridge. the carquinez bridge, west 80 clear toward the bridge area. and continuing down toward hercules. a look over to some other suspect spots. this is west 580 behind the construction sign which actually should be cleared from the eastbound direction. we do have also a stalled vehicle blocking your fast lane right around north flynn coming out of the altamont pass. we continue with heavier volume into livermore and the tri-valley. you have your typical slowing in the interchange. no problems south for 680 and speeds, a smooth drive. 580 continues through castro valley and the "y," typical build from north 238 off the interchange and south 880 as folks head toward the san mateo bridge. no surprises as folks head over
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to the peninsula off 101. we'll get a look at palo alto and see how things are moving nicely northbound and southbound onto the freeway after you get past the way to the metering lights. no problems for either direction. san mateo and the city all moving nicely for 101 and 280. back to you. >> thank you so much. time now 6:22. coming up, the freak prepares for a fight in court. we'll tell you about the allegations of bad behavior that has tim lincecum trading the dugout for a courtroom. and we give you a live look over the bay. a very picturesque shot as the sun makes its rise over the bay on this thursday. you made it. it's 6:22. we'll be checking the forecast with christine. stay with us.
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you're watching "today in the bay." >> giants' star tim lincecum could soon be headed to court. his former landlord is accusing the pitcher of trashing his mission district town house back in 2011, causing at least $200,000 in damage. something lincecum strongly denies. he says he is prepared to fight the case in open court, but he'd rather handle it in a closed-door arbitration. right now the case is on hold while the court decides where it belongs. a bittersweet night to the warriors' stephen curry. here's the sweet part. he scored a career high 54 points against the knicks and set a warriors record of 11 three-pointers in one game.
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what do they call that, marla? >> being in the zone? >> there you go. >> on fire? >> here's the big -- are you done? >> go ahead. let's talk about the bitter part. >> here's the bitter part. the warriors lost, 109-105. he scored more than half the points. warriors on their way to boston. mike inouye is standing by. first we check in with ms. christina loren. >> you and me need to hit the beach, sister. we are looking so good. good morning. temperatures will be in the mid-70s in some cities. but inland today, 72 degrees. bayside, 70 at the coast, 69 and the gorgeous weather continues before the rain moves in. we've got that in the forecast as well. we'll time it out for you coming out. first we want to get you out the door on time and on a good note. >> good morning. we are standing by here the backup which is here northbound 101 right at 680. the map is actually really very light. even for a thursday, we just showed that mild backup up toward the airport. 87 slow from capital to kurtner
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downtown you're okay and 85 just starting the slowdown headed north of 87. folks crossing the bay, the san mateo bridge. foster city side of the approach. a good steady volume of traffic for west 92. a little haze in the air. coming off that flat section moving nicely as well. back to you. >> thank you, mike. 6:27. still ahead, dreamliners over bay area skies once again. the permanent fix boeing says is ready for takeoff. plus, i'm not sure what you're doing today, but some folks in san francisco are going to be digging out of the sludge. we're live as a neighborhood deals with the muck and the mess of a major flood. [ wind howling ]
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[ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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a fix in the works for boeing's dreamliners. an announcement that could have the jets soon soaring over bay area skies. inch plus, sludge. a sinkhole and a muddy mess.
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how a san francisco neighborhood is digging out from the damage left behind by a major flood. and we are getting ready to ring in on wall street. there you have it. >> the cheering's so loud, you can barely hear the bell. >> snoopy's there. world baseball classic. metlife on this thursday, february 28th. this is "today in the bay." good morning, i'm terry mcsweeney in for john kelly. >> good morning, i'm marla tellez. new this morning, boeing says it's ready to wake up from that pr nightmare linked to its fleet of dreamliner jets. and today the company is announcing what says it is a permanent fix to get its fleet back in the sky. business exec reporter scott mcgrew joins us in our newsroom. scott, what's the solution here? >> marla, this has everything to do with batteries, keep them from short circuiting in the
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first place with better insulation. if they do keep the shorkt-circuiting battery from overheating and keeping from setting the plane on fire. boeing is showing these fixes to the japanese version of the faa this morning. japanese airlines like ana were heavy buyers of the dreamliner. ana has 17 of them all grounded. and listen to the wording of boeing's ceo, the wording he used in a press conference in tokyo this morning. >> 787 which is an airplane we have developed with japan is still the game-changing airplane that it always was designed to be. >> which we developed with cooperation from japan. connor there reminding his odd yen, the batteries in question are made in kyoto. there may be political pressure for japan to clear the airline for use. now, it won't fly here until our faa agrees. boeing has run this fix, marla, by the faa. it is examining the idea.
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it could take a number of weeks or even months before there's an actual solid decision. >> okay. we will stay on that. thank you, scott. time to check in with the lovely and accurate christina loren. >> this guy, terry mcsweeney, we want to keep you now. good morning to you. we've got a great-looking day shaping up. 6:32. so glad you're waking up with us. i have such great news to bring you. we're close to the weekend and this warm-up will hold up at least for the first part so you can hit the beach comfortably. that was san bruno, a gorgeous sunrise. here now, foster city. also looking good. this is that time of day where you get those pinks, those reds, the oranges, just beautiful. we're going to check your drive in just a minute. but grab those shades before you head out. 48 degrees in san francisco. 48 in napa to start the day. the only city that's been in the 30s is gilroy. getting into the coldest point of the day right now right around sunrise. which is ten minutes away. napa, 71 degrees today. i'm forecasting a record. and the last time we hit 71 in
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napa was 2008. not that far back. what i can tell you is, it's highly unusual to be this warm even for the final day of february. we're only 21 days away from spring now, but still unseasonably warm, near record levels. 71 inland. 70 degrees and of t69 at the co. stick around. your seven-day outlook. as promised, here's mike with your drive. >> as you can count on, the backup on the bay bridge. they turned off the streetlights but metering lights are still on and so are the headlights as we transition from night to day. there's the backup towards west grand avenue past the end of the parking lot. we'll look out and see how things are shaping up. as we do have slowing down the east shore freeway from richmond down through berkeley and emeryville. speeds where it's orange there approaching university avenue down toward about 50 miles per hour. getting a little crowded there. also problem approaching the benicia bridge. we still have slowing but less than before as you pass the earlier scene of a crash. this is south 680 at lake herman road just south of there, still
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sounds like activity and a distraction still slow on the approach to south 680 across from the north bay into the east bay. we're also looking at a smooth drive for the south bay. northbound 101 shows slowing as well as north 87. the build there and a quick peek at the roadway. let's get a look out there. we'll end with this shot. for the southbound side starting to slow a bit out of pleasanton and 680 around the bend. back to you. >> thanks. a follow yul -up to a story brought you yesterday morning. this morning the cleanup continues in a san francisco neighborhood after a water main break left streets looking more like canals. this morning at least six homes yellow tagged and 26 others damaged in the city's inner parkside neighborhood. and that is where today in the bay's christie smith joins us with a look at the damage. >> reporter: boy, what a difference a day makes. if we were standing here this time yesterday morning, we would be knee deep in mud. that's all been cleared away. in fact, the sinkhole, the pipe itself has been fixed.
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the hole has been backfilled. next we're hearing workers will be on their way in the next 30 minutes to an hour to pave the street again. 15th avenue still closed this morning but certainly a big improvement from yesterday when that 16-inch water main broke sending water and mud flowing down the street. it created a huge sinkhole here on 15th avenue. that mud and water damaged at least a dozen cars. 23 homes. in fact, six homes were yellow tagged, meaning that they could have some settling issues and need some more inspection. now, a san francisco public utilities commission spokesperson says the area had a recent sewer line replacement. before any of that could happen, they took a close look at all the lines. >> in this area, we did a sewer main replacement, and we completed it just a couple months ago. so before we do any sort of work opening up the street, we take a look at the water lines, the gas lines just to make sure that they're in sound company. you only want to go in once to do the work. we would have inspected this line to make sure it was okay.
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so we're going to be taking a close look as to why it failed. >> reporter: it was recently inspected? >> it would have been recently inspected. >> reporter: the pipe itself was about 61 years old, was it age or something else? they still don't know for sure. but some neighbors certainly think that could have something to do with it. the streets clean, no mud, but certainly that mud flowed right into bedrooms, downstairs and garages. back here live, i wanted to show you the high waterline on one of the garages here. at least three to four feet high. while the streets are clean, the cleanup inside the homes, well, that could go on for days. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> thanks, christie. 6:36. still ahead, a new era and uncertain future for catholics as the pope steps down. what we're learning about the pope's next step. and forget about sightseeing in beijing. mainly because you can't see the sights. we'll tell you about the sudden storm mixing up with all the smog to block the view in china. also, inside the mind of a man accused of killing two cops in cold blood.
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the final text he sent his brother moments before a deadly shootout. and we're looking out now live from san francisco. and oh, it's a gorgeous shot. we've got a gorgeous day on the way. beautiful sky right there. beautiful temperatures on the way, if you like it in the mid to upper 60s. that's what you're going to get. we'll be right back. lucky charms?!
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♪ yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste!
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[ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious ♪ the one and only, cheerios check this out. new video of a massive sandstorm
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blanketing beijing. combined with the city's daily heavy smog. some people resorted to maweari masks. last month the chinese government restricted driving in that city, and there is talk of reducing china's dependency on coal and switching over to cleaner energy. and new this morning, more explosions in syria. this is amateur video apparently showing heavy shelling and air strikes east of damascus. the violence comes the same day the u.s. is expected to announce a change in its aid policy to syria. the change will likely mean that financial assistance, medical supplies and food will be channeled directly to selected opposition groups. the u.s. will not provide weapons. general norman schwarzkopf will be buried today at the u.s. military academy at west point. the 78-year-old died from complications from pneumonia a few days after christmas. his family delayed the funeral
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due to potential conflicts with the inauguration. schwarzkopf was best known by the nickname stormin' norman for his no-nonsense approach to the way he commanded allied forces during the first gulf war. coming up, an act of desperation from a man described as a ticking time bomb. what his shootout suspect told his family moments after he allegedly killed -- rather before he allegedly killed two santa cruz detectives. and we are hours away from the end of the pope's last day on the job. we'll tell you what's next for him and what's in store for the catholic church ahead in a live report from the vatican. meanwhile, minutes away from your official sunrise, and it is spectacular this morning. we're going to get about 11 1/2 hours of sunshine and near record highs today. but don't get comfortable. too comfortable, anyway. the rain and the cold returns. lots to talk about in your full forecast. and the commute is building as well, even though fremont here, 880 moving smoothly. i have a new crash reported for that east shore freeway coming
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down in your commute direction toward the bay bridge and across that bridge, we have a problem from the rails as well. we'll give you those updates coming up. ♪ ♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right
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[ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean,
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this morning flags statewide are flying at half-staff by order of the governor to honor the two fallen officers in santa cruz. sergeant lorne baker, father of three and detective elizabeth butler, mother of two. today a memorial continues to grow outside the santa cruz police department where many officers will return to work today after taking a day off to grieve. ♪ amazing grace
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it is an emotional time for the officers who are now trying to get back into work, as usual, while grieving the deaths of their colleagues and friends. "today in the bay's" bob riddell joins us where a memorial for the officers is now being planned at police headquarters. tough days ahead for these guys, bob. >> reporter: good morning to you, marla. we can learn more details about the memorial at a news conference scheduled here at police headquarters for 11:30 this morning. today santa cruz police are expected to resume their normal duties and patrols after taking some time off to deal with the shock of what happened tuesday afternoon. it was the santa cruz county sheriff's department that had been covering on their behalf since then. we are also getting a better idea of what led goulet to kill baker and butler. he was a ticking time bomb according to his dad who had vowed he'd never go back to jail. when the officers visited his house tuesday afternoon to talk
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to him about his breaking into a woman's home, goulet opened fire, killing both officers on his doorstep. he then texted his brother, "i'm in big trouble. i love you." you can hear in this exclusive cell phone video what happened next when law enforcement cornered goulet a short time later. they unleashed their weapons and killed him. this comes as a relief to danny thomas. he has been living in fear of goulet, so much so that he moved to canada because back in 2007, thomas caught goulet videotaping his girlfriend in the shower. the two fought with goulet firing a gun during the struggle, but he was eventually acquitted on felony charges leveled against him. >> you hear on tv all the time people getting away with things, and this is just one of those things that hits home because someone got away with something that was pretty bad, only to commit something worse. >> reporter: the community joined police in a vigil last night to remember sergeant baker and detective butler. both were veterans of this
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police force, and they leave behind families. today, as we mentioned, we can learn details about a memorial service. a news conference is scheduled for 11:30 at police headquarters. back out here live, you can see their front entrance is slowly being crowded out by an outpouring of love and support from this community here in santa cruz. reporting live here at santa cruz police headquarters, bob riddell, "today in the bay." >> thanks very much. it's also a difficult time for the santa cruz fire department after one of its engines was hit by bullets during the shootout. >> two patients, victims of gunshot wounds, and stage in the area, scene's not secure. >> that's what firefighters heard on the radio as they responded. 10 to 15 minutes later, those firefighters hit the deck behind their truck as bullets flew everywhere. one of the firefighters tackled a woman to the ground to shield her. then all four bullets hit the fire truck. you see them there. but none of the firefighters or bystanders are injured. to learn more about the fallen officers including
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information on how to help their families, go to our website, click on the story right there in the middle of the home page. 6:47. christina loren checking the weather for us, and we like it. >> she likes it hot. >> don't i know it. you know what? it's going to be warm today. a little unseasonably warm, but the best news i have to bring to you, tomorrow's friday. tomorrow is friday. so you can get on out there and enjoy. it must be hard sitting in the office looking out the window at these beautiful days. but you know what? it's going to hold up. for saturday. so you can get out there, enjoy it. in fact, saturday is going to be one of the warmest. we're going to peak tomorrow, but just about as warm on saturday. some cities might actually end up warmer in the south bay. now taking a live look, sun coming up over san bruno, just beautiful. this is where you want to be for the next few days by the water. winter warm-ups mean temps in the 70s even at the beach. yeah, we haven't hit our tourism season yet. that arrives in spring, summertime. get out there, get the beach to
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yourself while you can. 44 in sunnyvale. happy to report the only city in the 30s is gilroy. actually may just climb to 41. no longer in the 30s. this is the coldest point of the day. this is the mildest start we've had in a couple weeks. you might not even need that jacket in oakland. along the peninsula, comfortable conditions to start in palo alto. 42 there. 48 in pacifica. and pacifica today headed towards about 66 degrees. for the final day of february. highly unusual. but hey, we'll take it. good air quality as well. we do have high pollen levels. that will uphold all the way through about saturday. then we've got changes on the way for sunday. high pressure's going to break down. as it does so, potent winter system on the way more next week. we'll return back to winter. today, offshore waves keeping temperatures comfortable inland all the way to the coast. look at these numbers. 74 degrees in fairfield. 70 degrees in livermore today. and 69 degrees in redwood city. the good times, they keep on rolling as we head through friday, up to 75 degrees.
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we're actually going to climb by about five degrees tomorrow. and i'm reporting l.a.'s going to be at 85 tomorrow. we are going to get the best weather across the entire nation on a friday. it's so nice to be in the bay area. 65 degrees by sunday. temperatures tumble and showers arrive. so mike and i will be tracking slick commutes for you wednesday into thursday of next week. overall, they'll need the shades this morning, right, mike? >> yes, definitely. we talk about the sunrise slowdown along the peninsula. 101 and 280. so far, that's moving smoothly right now. over here we're focusing on the east bay where we do have your slowing as traffic builds coming down through berkeley. out of richmond. slowing off the merge as folks cough off of that richmond bridge. metering lights in the backup there. approaching the area coming down toward the valley road, pvr, we have a crash there. it may be blocking a lane. sounds like another crash eastbound that just popped up. that slowing is a distraction and may have been a secondary
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accident on the other side. we're watching both directions for a crash. so far the slowing coming around the bend towards san pablo. plan on that and we'll watch to see how long that gets to clear. chp hopefully an update in a few minutes. looking towards san francisco, this side of the bay, nothing unusual as far as the flow of traffic for the freeways. the roadways getting into or out of san francisco. the issue there is on the rails. we have a delay for caltrain. actually train 104, it's not delayed, just going to hook up to train 206 and they're both going to head south out of south san francisco. but train 104, those folks delayed. train 206, you have a longer train now. as you head through the area. b.a.r.t., no delays. muni, no problems. san mateo bridge across the water, we see that the westbound commute, good stuff, smooth flow. a little haze but visibility is just fine. the peninsula is moving nicely. east bay shows the build. 880 starting to slow because of the massive amount of traffic. now, flooding into the area. i saw massive, but that's standard for 880 heading down through union city and into
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fremont. here's the slowing down toward mission boulevard now. and then, of course, the south bay with your northbound routes, no crashes. we have just slowing on 101, 87 and 85. back to you. >> thanks a lot. new this morning, a new era for the catholic church as we give you a live look at the vatican. soon pope benedict xvi steps down as leader of the catholic church. about an hour and eight minutes from now. this morning the pope said a final farewell to his closest advisers and cardinals. but he's not expected to speak publicly anymore as pope. "today in the bay area's" maryann ahern is witnessing history this morning and joins us live from the vatican. maryann. >> reporter: hello to you, terry. we just saw a helicopter arrive behind the vatican. we're assuming that perhaps that will be the helicopter that will take benedict xvi. as you said at 5:00 rome time, he leaves here headed to castle
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gandalfo, the papal summer residence. there are already said to be 5,000 to 8,000 waiting for him there. he will give a final blessing to the public at that residence. then later, three hours from his time that he leaves here, the end of the workday for the that is the official time of his resignation. he will be staying there for a couple of months until his home behind the walls of the vatican is ready for him. and then the next question, of course, who will be the next pope? who will be his successor? today cardinals that he is promising his obedience and reverence. he asked them tofor unity. he said this is like a fine orchestra to play together. but the speculation mounts as we wait to see the date of the conclave. that's when they walk into the sistine chapel to pray and take that vote. but before that even happens, there will be meetings.
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those meetings begin monday here in rome. they're informal a bit. each gets up to speak. they meet in the morning, perhaps at lunch. they have more discussion. but until there is a pope, no smoke at the vatican, as you've heard many times before, that white smoke when one is chosen. but all of the reporters will be anxious to watch to see what's next. i'm maryann ahern live at the vatican. terry, back to you. >> maryann, thanks very much. a follow-up now to a story we just brought you yesterday as we give you a before and after look at the damage left behind after flooding caused a sinkhole on the san francisco street here. today at least six homes are yellow tagged. and a dozen cars and 23 homes are damaged. the city public utilities commission says a 61-year-old pipe broke yesterday morning. the city is still trying to figure out why that pipe burst. new details in a deadly shooting at a san leandro
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elementary school campus. published reports say 19-year-old trevian foster was killed because he refused to make good on a $5 bet. foster was apparently playing a late-night dice game with the suspect on february 13th. randall is charged with murder and is being held without bail. investigators are still looking for two other men in connection with that case. new this morning, las vegas police say they are no longer looking for 22-year-old tanisha howard of miami who had initially been linked to a shooting and fiery crash on the vegas strip. however, it's unclear if police have found her or if they simply no longer believe she is a person of interest. police, however, are still searching for triple murder suspect amar harris. investigators say he was driving an suv that fired shots at a maserati killing oakland rapper kenneth cherry. it crashed into a cab killing both people inside. brentwood schools
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superintendent merrill grant is fired in the wake of a student abuse scandal. he had been on administrative leave after letting a special education teacher continue teaching after she was accused of kicking an autistic child back in 2010. the school district says it will also punish three other district employees. oakland school board is supporting a move to cut or reduce full-service programs like adult education. the board has to vote on the issue now to comply with the california education code even though the governor's budget plan is not finalized. the governor's budget will shift adult educations from k-12 schools to community colleges. the oakland school board can take back the layoff notices by may 8th if budget plans change. a look at everything in the business world. >> yeah, the stock market, good morning, doing very well this morning. up another 16 points on the dow. yesterday we hit a five-month high on the dow. as we see santa rosa resident snoopy opening the nyse this
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morning as part of the world baseball classic. the nasdaq up as well. shares in jc penney in a tailspin after the company reported another quarter of loss losses. jou, jc penney is an odd store. its ceo came from apple where he inviented apple stores. he was going to revolutionize jc penney. he's managed to burn the company down. his first move was to say no more sales. we're just going to have the lowest price possible. he figured it was silly to have artificially high prices that you turn into sales. well, it turns out, marla and terry, jc penney shoppers really like sales. the department store, in fact, announced it's going to have a sale every week. prices up here, cut down to here instead of just keeping them here. >> okay. >> it works. >> yeah, it does. thank you, scott. 6:57. one day away from congress's deadline to avoid $85 billion in automatic spending cuts. lawmakers have not signaled any
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compromises, and at this point it looks like the cuts will go into effect. president obama is planning to meet with both sides on friday, tomorrow. the day the cuts are supposed to take effect. boeing says it has a permanent fix to get its krou troubled 787 dreamliner back in the sky. they're going to rewire the batteries to prevent short circuiting to spread to other cells. santa cruz police officers will be back on the streets today after taking a day off to mourn the deaths of two officers. two of their own. last night the community held a vigil for sergeant loren baker and deckive elizabeth butler. the two were shot and killed as they investigated a sexual assault case. one final check of the weather with meteorologist christina loren. >> good morning to you. it's going to be a beautiful day. right at room temperature in the heat of the day inland. 72 degrees. that means you can give your heater a break. save on your pg & e bill.
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this weekend, you might be able to give your heater a break all night long. we are warming you up. bayside, 69. 69 at the coast. rain on the ray. if you missed your seven-day outlook, don't worry. we'll have it for you. we'll check on the drive once more. >> great news for the east shore freeway. crash has cleared, but there's still slowing through san pablo. the build for the south bay, 101, more slowing. 280 kicks in up toward the interchange. and 85 and 87 both showing the build from the volume. we'll look at palo alto where we're showing the sunrise coming into your eyes. that's the reason for the slowdown. although southbound has a light volume of traffic, watch for slowing coming out of foster city as you get that sunlight in your skies and curves for 280 coming through those beautiful hills where that sun catches you. back to you. >> thank you, mike. >> that's what's happening "today in the bay." thanks for joining us this morning. we'll be back -- or specifically she'll be back at 7:25 with a live local news update. right now we leave you with
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a beautiful live look at the vatican. the pope will officially resign in one hour from now at 8:00 our time. history in the making. we're going to see what happens there. thanks so much for waking up with us. enjoy your day. ♪ good morning. i'm savannah guthrie. we are live at the vatican on this historic day. pope benedict the xvi now in his final hours as leader of the catholic church. follows this morning's emotional last meeting with his cardinals. within the hour, he will board a helicopter and fly off into retirement. and we are here to cover it all today, thursday, february 28th, 2013. from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today," the
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resignation of pope benedict the xvi, with matt lauer in studio 1a and savannah guthrie, live from the vatican. and good morning, everyone. welcome to a special edition of "today" at 7:00 a.m. on the west coast on a thursday. i'm savannah guthrie live at the vatica vatican. >> savannah, looks like another beautiful day at the vatican. i have to say, we've been sitting here watching monitors. it's been moving to watch pope benedict. addressing the cardinals. watching the private words. you can't help but watch the shaking hands with probably the next pope. >> and that's an explanation that was made to the cardinals that was somewhat unexpected. as you said, it was moving, everything about this day, historic, momentous, and so, so


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